What is Pet Laser Therapy?
Laser is a safe, non-invasive therapy that utilizes a specific wavelength of light. This therapy biostimulates tissue repair and growth, accelerates wound healing, and decreases inflammation and pain. There are several clinical studies demonstrating the effectiveness of laser therapy.
How does pet laser therapy promote healing? The light produced by the machine promotes circulation in the target area, drawing water, oxygen, and nutrients to the area to create an optimal healing environment.
Used to treat: Ligament sprains, muscle strain, stress injuries, arthritis, post-traumatic injuries, edema, and post-surgical incisions.
Does pet laser therapy hurt? There is little to no sensation accompanied by a mild, soothing warmth. The area being treated may be briefly sensitive at the start of the session.
Side effects? There are no reported side effects, making laser a very safe therapy. Some pets may experience mild soreness after treatments due to the stimulated healing processes after treatment.
How long is the treatment? Average treatment times are 3-9 minutes but may depend on the area needing treatment and the size of the area.
How often? This will vary depending on the reason for therapy, your pet’s response to laser therapy, and Veterinarian’s recommendation. Acute conditions may need daily treatment, while chronic conditions may need treatments 2-3 times per week with the possibility to taper treatments with improvement to weekly or every other week.
How many treatments? This will vary depending on the condition – some require only a few, while more chronic conditions require ongoing or periodic treatments.
How soon will I see the results? This will vary by pet, but on average, most pet owners report improvements within 1-4 sessions.
Can laser be done with other treatments? Yes! Laser therapy is often used in combination with other therapies.